Padme becomes strangely attracted to him. Anakin slaughters an entire village of Tusken Raiders (men, women and children) in revenge for the death of his mother. Obi-Wan’s investigations into the assassin’s identity lead him to Kamino, where he discovers a fully-fledged Clone Army. (mentioned in The Mandalorian)Ģ2 BBY - Separatists make a couple of attempts on Senator Amidala’s life. Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas commissions Kaminoan cloners to build an army for the Republic. Galaxy watches both their careers with great interest. Palpatine is elected Chancellor of the Republic, while Anakin starts his Jedi training. Queen Padme Amidala leads the liberation of Naboo, where Obi-Wan slices Darth Maul in two – sending him tumbling to his apparent death. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi discover Force-sensitive Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine and save him from slavery. (referenced in The Mandalorian)ģ2 BBY - The Trade Federation escalates a scintillating trade dispute by blockading Naboo. (referenced The Phantom Menace)Īlso around this time, a young Yoda-like creature is born to mystery parents. WARNING: Spoilers for every Star Wars movie and TV show released to date.Ĥ1 BBY - Anakin Skywalker is somehow conceived by the Midichlorians and his mother, Shmi. Now that all that's taken care of, let's start with an at-a-glance guide to the Star Wars timeline. Meanwhile, Star Wars: The Force Awakens takes place 34 years After the Battle of Yavin (in 34 ABY). So Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, which takes place 19 years ahead of Star Wars: A New Hope, is set 19 years Before the Battle of Yavin (in 19 BBY). We have also listed which movie/TV show/book each event appears in just in case you want to go back and see The Trade Federation deciding to blockade Naboo…Īs for the calendar, everything in the Star Wars galaxy is dated relative to the Battle of Yavin, where Luke Skywalker blew up the first Death Star. Does anybody really need to know when Dexter Jettster opened his diner on Coruscant? Our timeline deals with all the major events from the movies and shows, and touches upon some of the major comic-books and novels included within the canon. Here's how to watch the Star Wars movies in orderīefore we go on, we should note that, although this is a comprehensive Star Wars timeline, we have not included absolutely every event.