
Remove text shadow windows 10
Remove text shadow windows 10

remove text shadow windows 10

Private ScalarKeyFrameAnimation CreateBlurAnimation() Shadow.StartAnimation("Offset", offsetAnimation) Shadow.StartAnimation("BlurRadius", blurAnimation) Vector3KeyFrameAnimation offsetAnimation = this.CreateOffsetAnimation() ScalarKeyFrameAnimation blurAnimation = this.CreateBlurAnimation() Shadow.Offset = new Vector3(15, 15, -10) ĭropShadow with Animations private async void InitComposition() SpriteVisual visual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual() ĭropShadow shadow = _compositor.CreateDropShadow() SurfaceBrush.Surface = await _imageLoader.LoadImageFromUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/cat.jpg")) _imageLoader = ImageLoaderFactory.CreateImageLoader(_compositor) ĬompositionSurfaceBrush surfaceBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush() _compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(MyGrid).Compositor Simple DropShadow private async void InitComposition() When you click OK, drop shadows will immediately vanish and all depth in the operating system is (introduced in v3.0) Now scroll down the Visual Effects list and uncheck Show shadows under windows. Performance Options should jump onto the screen. Now click the first Settings button under the Performance section. To get started, press the Windows key and type: view advanced system settings Removing drop shadows will make the user interface feel flatter and may even improve the performance of your computer. I like them and think they make the operating system more enjoyable to use but some people will want to make Windows 10 feel as close to previous versions as possible so disabling drop shadows could be useful in that case.

remove text shadow windows 10

Most people will find the drop shadows in Windows 10 really interesting. Oversized, large drop shadows is one of them. I get the notion that Microsoft knows the public has a penchant for the Mac OS X user interface and therefore feels compelled to emulate a few of its shiniest features. Sometimes I get the feeling that Windows 10 is desperately trying to imitate Mac OS X.

Remove text shadow windows 10